Pergolas Wollongong For the Home
Pergolas can add an element of character and style to the landscaping of your garden, and the construction of a pergola can even be built as a kit with all the parts you need. Pergolas Wollongong is generally circular and about 5 feet in diameter, although this can vary depending on where you live. The tops of pergolas are usually notched so that they might support a canopy during a thunderstorm. There are a wide variety of materials for pergolas ranging from aluminum, cedar, and vinyl to wood. If you are using wood, then it would be advisable to paint the wood in a color that complements your pergola.
Revolutionize Your Pergolas Wollongong With These Easy-peasy Tips
Some people like to use bamboo pergolas for their garden. These are not very steeply angled and the planks are more like planterboxes with the slats cut out for drainage. Some people believe that if you line the planks up properly, then the effect will be like that of a wollongonga – a pergola made from tropical hardwood.
It is possible to build your own pergolas although this can be rather time consuming and labor intensive. For an average sized backyard, pergolas can take about two days to construct unless you are using PVC pipe which can be cut to size and left to dry in the sun. When erecting your pergola, it is important to ensure that the pergola slopes towards the house and this can be achieved using posts and balusters to slope the pergola towards the house. Once the pergola is about three feet in diameter and has been erected at the correct height, you will need to dig a hole in the earth about six inches deep and then begin laying the PVC pipes. Once the pergola has been connected, you will only need to line up the holes and keep the pergola tidy and you will have completed your wollongongong.