Alchemy of Breath Facilitator Training
The Alchemy of breathwork facilitator training Program is a comprehensive certification course. It emphasizes personal and spiritual growth. You’ll learn about the physical science of breathwork, the benefits of a breath session, and how to give support.
The training is designed for people who are ready to hold space for others to heal. There are three levels of training available. All offer robust content.
Level One is an introduction to flow breathwork. This 10-week training course provides basic breathwork techniques. Those interested in furthering their knowledge can take it to the next level with Deepening the Practice Flow Breathwork (Level 2).
The Sacred Breathwork Facilitator Training is an experiential course that prepares students to create a safe space for personal and group transformation. Participants are taught a number of rebirthing and trauma release protocols. They also discover how to cultivate their own healing practices.
Corporate Meditation Programs
Level Two is a residential experience. In addition to learning basic facilitation techniques, trainees will have the opportunity to practice their skills with a live client. Plus, you’ll get real-time feedback and individualized guidance on your sessions.
Level Three is a more in-depth, and individualized training for practitioners in training. At this level, you’ll be invited to participate in a monthly meeting where you’ll receive feedback on your sessions and explore new opportunities for advanced coaching.
The 300-hour Online Breathwork Facilitator Training offers a blend of live calls, hands-on practice, and self-study. Students will learn about facilitating breathing sessions, as well as self-care and business skills.